Deakin Medical Centre

Deakin Medical Centre is a family orientated accredited general practice that was established in 1983. We have five doctors including Dr. Brian Murphy, Dr. Gerald Murphy, Dr. Prashanthi Godakumbura, Dr. Sri Kumaraswamy and Dr. Ruby Kumari.

Deakin Medical Centre works in collaboration with other doctors, specialists, allied health and hospitals to provide the best possible care to all patients.

Our practice is committed to preventative care and may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. Pap Smears, Health Assessments, GP management plans and Diabetic Clinics are some examples of this.

We have registered nurses who assist with minor surgical procedures, dressings and injections, with two nurses fully accredited to carry out Pap Smears.

On-site pathology testing is available Monday – Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm. We also have a visiting Urologist, Podiatrist, Counsellor and Diabetes Educator available for appointments.

Appointments can be made after 8.00am Monday to Friday and after 8.30am Saturday. This practice provides a 24hr 7 days a week care for patients of this practice by phoning 5022 1488.

New patients welcome.
